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A Call for the Digital/Social Expert [Consultant] as a Priority Partner


We are at a crossroads in communications, and we’re seeing many digital/social experts venturing out on their own. It’s a time in which we need to get ahead of the curve, identify pitfalls in advance and navigate them appropriately. Acknowledging that I am a consultant, this post is not meant to be self-serving, rather I hope to shed some light on what is contributing to the lack of progress in the Pharma digital/social space. As a good consultant should always do, I’m here to tell you what to keep an eye out for. The use of the terms “Digital” or “Social” in most cases can be considered interchangeable.

With more than 12 years working in the rapidly evolving industry, I’ve noticed a variety of reasons why the pitch process, relationships between digital/social experts, account teams at agencies and properly following through on execution are not working smoothly. This is one of the core reasons behind Pharma’s lack of progress – not to minimize regulatory hurdles at all – but we also need to recognize that traditional PR, advertising, marketing processes and people are being deployed into what is a very complex, dynamic environment.

Both agencies and companies alike face this challenge. The troubles often lie in areas that can be cleaned up by creating process and a standard of operating that is flexible for the people, disease states, necessary integration with technology and by learning not just to use social media, but to be social.

Many agencies do have things streamlined, leading to great success – but success is often defined by the wrong metrics. A Facebook page may have a million “Likes” but posts may go unseen by the majority of those people. Have you asked your agency how they are adapting to some of the changes to the Facebook Algorithm?

Under the digital umbrella, there are a ton of disciplines to coordinate, here’s the a very high level view:

  1. Communications (marketing, advertising, PR)
  2. Technology/IT (devices, design, web/mobile development)
  3. Social and Community Management (social channels, sharing, content, copy)

However, we have a unique opportunity to guide these disciplines together. In these coming years, it will be a matter of finding the right balance of talent to identify the strongholds for cross-discipline teams to work through barriers to success. There is a somewhat intangible need for a thread of connectivity through all of these worlds, across many disciplines – a need that requires the right person to orchestrate, which has its advantages:

A Quick Guide to Assessing Partners

From start-ups to medical comms, to branding, tech and large global PR or advertising firms, there’s an endless supply of agencies. Here are a few things to keep an eye on as you assess partners:

This post is a call to rely on true experts to assess hires, brands, agencies and develop a clear plan for your future in digital/social. The right consultant can provide agency-level quality of work, breaking down silo’s, politics and ensuring the focus is on setting you up for success saving you money and time.

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